
时间:2023-04-13 10:27:29 浏览量:




英语借条范文 篇1


  To Mr. Charles Green, May. 18, 20xx

  I. O. U. three thousand US dollars ($3000) only, within one year from this date with annual interest at four percent (4%). David Smith

  兹借查尔斯•格林先生叁仟美元(U.S. $3000),年息四厘,自即日算起,一年内归还。

  借款人 戴维•史密斯 20xx年5月18日

  I. O. U.= I owe you 也可写成IOU, 即“我欠你”的意思,译成汉语为“今欠”、“今借到”。

英语借条范文 篇2


  June. 8, 20xx

  Received from Mr. Handel the following things: One typewriter One tape-recorder Bruce 20xx年6月8日

打字机壹台 录音机壹台

英语借条范文 篇3


  借条是熟人间的便笺形式。留下字据,表示欠某人某物。与收据一样,借条需写明借钱物名称和数量、立据人及日期。具体写法是:将时间写在正文的右上角,在正文的右下角署名,正文中须指明向借用人借用何物,文字要求简洁,其中所涉及的数字,须用英文拼出,相当于汉语的“人民币大写”,若是定期偿还的借据,还须注目偿还时间。常用的短语如: “Borrowed from „”, “I.O.U.(I owe you)” 意思是” 兹借到„„”。


  Dear Xiao Wang:

  I wonder if I could borrow your electronic dictionary for a few days. Now I am translating some important articles. There are many new words which I have to look up the dictionary usually. I just have a paper dictionary but of course it’s not as convenient as the electronic one, which has a bad effect upon my velocity of my translating. So I think your electonic dictionary is more suitable for me to complete my work. I promise that I must be very careful of your dictionary and make no damage done on it. Thank you very much!

  Yours ever


英语借条范文 篇4

  ____________________To Mr.Charles Green,


  I.O.U.three thousand U.S.dollars (U.S.$3000) only,within one year from this date with annual interest at four percent (4%).

  David Smith





英语借条范文 篇5


  Dear Xiao Wang:

  I wonder if I could borrow your electronic dictionary for a few days. Now I am translating some important articles. There are many new words which I have to look up the dictionary usually. I just have a paper dictionary but of course it's not as convenient as the electronic one, which has a bad effect upon my velocity of my translating. So I think your electonic dictionary is more suitable for me to complete my work. I promise that I must be very careful of your dictionary and make no damage done on it. Thank you very much!

  Yours ever

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